Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Create Printable Designs and Enrich the Aesthetic Value of Clothing Design

Document Type : Original Article


Clothing and Textiles Department - Faculty of Home Economics - Menofia University


With much interest in the artificial intelligence field and machine learning in the past few years, artificial intelligence has been treated as one of the most-important future technological tools that can be relied upon in life transactions. As many people believe that artificial intelligence can provide a choice for most of the challenges that now exist on our planet, So the current research seeks to use one of the most-important AI-applications “Midjourney” to create printable designs for garments inspired by some symbols of the Pharaonic civilization to emphasize the Egyptian identity and add artistic and aesthetic value to the “T-Shirt”, The researcher made (52) innovative designs that were all completely created within the application of AI through some descriptive phrases for the desired design, then selected the best of these designs and processed them digitally to be suitable for printing on the “T-Shirt”, The number of final design reached to (15) design, that judged by (10) professors specializing in the clothing and textile industries to determine which designs best achieved the foundations and elements of design and the aesthetic and innovative aspects of design for application and printing. The research resulted in achieving design No. (2), (14), (5) with the highest relative averages and the success of raising the aesthetic and artistic value of the clothing design, as well as recommending the need to research the possibility of benefiting from artificial intelligence technology in many other applications, as it is easy to use, accurate in implementation, effortless and timesaving.


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