cognitive apprenticeship strategy in teaching home economics to develop lateral thinking and educational involvement middle school students

Document Type : Original Article


1 Al_Azhar university

2 Al - Azhar University Faculty of Home Economics

3 Al_Azhar University Faculty of Home Economics


The aim of the current research is to identify the effectiveness of the cognitive apprenticeship strategy in teaching home economics to develop lateral thinking skills and educational engagement among first-grade preparatory female students. Dakahlia Governorate, they were divided into two groups, one of which was an experimental number of (30) students, and the other a control number of (30) students. Significance (0.01) between the mean scores of the students of the experimental and control groups in the post-application of the lateral thinking skills test as a whole in favor of the students of the experimental group. As a whole, and in each of its sub-dimensions in favor of the experimental group students, the research was recommended to take advantage of employing modern strategies and methods to develop The study aimed to identify the impact of cognitive apprenticeship on the development of different types of thinking and the use of the cognitive apprenticeship strategy in developing different dependent variables.


Main Subjects