Teaching Home Economics using the Learning CycleStrategy (7`Es) For Developing Scientific Argumentation And adjusting cognitive Bias for the Female Students of secondary Stage

Document Type : Original Article




The current research aims to identify how to use the strategy of the seven (7`Es) learning cycle in teaching home economics and measure its effectiveness in promoting scientific debate and modifying cognitive bias among first year secondary students. The research relied on the experimental design of two groups; One of them is an experimental one consisting of (30) female students from the first grade, and the other a control one consisting of (30) female students from the first secondary grade. Statistically significant at the level of significance (0.01) between the average performance scores of the students of the experimental and control groups in the post application of the research tools in favor of the experimental group. The Seven Learning Course (7`Es) for first year secondary students. The research recommended the necessity of reconsidering the formulation of the general and specific objectives of the subject of home economics at the level of the different educational stages in the light of the seven-year learning cycle (7`Es).

Keywords: the seven-cycle learning strategy, scientific controversy, cognitive bias


Main Subjects