The Tie& Dye with discharge as input for enrichmint Printing Hanging Down

Document Type : Original Article


Master's Researcher - Specialization (Textile Printing). Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Minia University


The research problem lies in how to benefit from the combination between the techniques of Tie&Dye and Discharge Printing in Enrichng the Printing Hanging Down, as the combination of Tie&Dye and discharge printing has special aesthetics and renewed plastic capabilitices that interact with expressive visions.

As the benefit of the discharage printing technique and the use of chlorine instead of the contaminated dyes used in printing the tie&dye the hanging tabs to an aesthetic and innovative aspect.

The research problem lies in how to benefit from the combination between the techniques of Tie&Dye and Discharge Printing in Enrichng the Printing Hanging Down, as the combination of Tie&Dye and discharge printing has special aesthetics and renewed plastic capabilitices that interact with expressive visions.

As the benefit of the discharage printing technique and the use of chlorine instead of the contaminated dyes used in printing the tie&dye the hanging tabs to an aesthetic and innovative aspect.


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