The artistic and plastic features of the wall sculptures in the Assyrian civilization and benefiting from them in enriching the field of artistic works

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of education


This research aims at studying some mural sculptures in Assyria, the city placed on the banks of the Tigris River and the capital of the Assyrian kingdom in northern Mesopotamia, since more than 2500 B.C. The power of the Assyrians emerged during the first millennium B.C. through establishing a sprawling empire including Asia Minor (Anatolia ) , Syria and Egypt.

The Assyrians depended on the army in founding their state as it was the most powerful army in the ancient world. Hence, they considered Assyria, the greatest god, the god of war and it was for them superior to other gods.

At the end of the research, the researcher concluded to many artistic features of mural sculptures in Assyria and the most impo rtant one among them was that the Assyrian artist expressed many aspects of military, social and religious life at that age. This type of art was remarkable on paintings, walls covered with majolica and timber, seals, pedestals, thrones, obelisks and stone cornices on the walls of temples and palaces.


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