he Role of the Accompanying Pianist at The First Movement of Oskar Rieding `s Concerto in B Minor

Document Type : Original Article


Music Education Department, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University


The accompaniment is one of the important musical elements that are used for the purpose of intensifying and enriching the texture of different melodies and songs. The era of accompaniment appeared since the dawn of musical history as an attempt to support the human voice of the singer, by supporting it with a musical instrument. And the accompaniment continued to be used in different eras in various forms, and the art of accompaniment in the twentieth century reached a high level, whether in terms of the style of composition or the technique used in performance, due to the diversity of the musical currents in that era, until it reached a high degree of excellence in the history of the accompaniment of orchestral instruments. Including the violin.

And since the role of the pianist in the accompaniment is no less important than the role of the violinist, so the researcher saw through her accompanying the works of Oskar Rieding the need to study his compositions with theoretical instrumental study and analysis, as it is considered a fruitful addition to the piano students due to the musical aesthetics that characterize these compositions. And expressive and playing techniques may help to improve their performance in the accompaniment on the piano.


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