Using Augmented Reality in Piano Maintenance

Document Type : Original Article


Music Education Department, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University


This research is one of the first researches that dealt with the piano from different side, which is the maintenance of the piano, which is one of the most important basics that work to keep it up to pitch and playing the correct notes, as it is a very sensitive instrument and must be maintained permanently.

This research includes the introduction - problem - objectives - importance - questions - tools and procedures - previous studies - theoretical and applied framework, and the research concludes with the proposed results, recommendations, references, and finally the Arabic and English research summary

maintenance of the piano, which is one of the most important basics that work to keep it up to pitch and playing the correct notes, as it is a very sensitive instrument and must be maintained permanently.

This research includes the introduction - problem - objectives - importance - questions - tools and procedures - previous studies - theoretical and applied framework, and the research concludes with the proposed results, recommendations, references, and finally the Arabic and English research summary


Main Subjects