أثر برنامج مقترح قائم على أنشطة الإعلام التربوي لمواجهة التنمر المدرسي بين طلاب المرحلة الإعدادية "دراسة شبه تجريبية

Document Type : Original Article




The study aimed to measure the effect of a proposed program based on educational media activities to confront school bullying among middle school students, and the researcher used the semi-experimental method to measure the effect of the independent variable "a proposed program based on educational media activities" on the dependent variable "school bullying", and applied the study tools to A sample of its consistency (50)

male and female students from the preparatory stage, and the instrument of the study was (Achievement test in the cognitive aspect of educational media activities - note card - bully behavior scale), and the study came to: the existence of a statistically significant difference at the (0.01) level between the average grades of the students of the study sample in the tribal application and the later application of the achievement test in the cognitive aspect of educational media activities in favor of the later application, as it was shown that there is a statistically significan


Main Subjects