Standard levels for designing social learning environments In light of the constructivist theory


Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University


Our world today has witnessed tremendous changes in various areas of life, and the nature of the teaching and learning process has been affected by this, so social networking sites have become a world without borders, and some new terms have appeared, such as social networks that depend on social networking sites, and with the spread of these sites a new concept has emerged. Social learning, learning within the social learning environment is based on the principles of social constructivism theory, which is a theory that explains learning as a continuous building process that occurs within the learner through his interaction with others around him, where he builds knowledge through his communication with others. The principle of social communication via the web, and the use of computer and Internet technology tools in education. This entails the necessity of designing social learning environments according to a set of principles and standards that help design interactive and attractive social learning environments and achieve the principles of social constructivism theory.

Therefore, the current study sheds light on some standards for designing social learning environments, including standards for the technical and technological field, educational standards, standards for teachers, and standards for learners.


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