Using an innovative lyrical melody to overcome some academic learning difficulties in Arabic

Document Type : Original Article


1 Music teacher in Sahed Mohamed Hamed school in Malawi El Menia

2 Professor of Arabic Music and Dean of the Faculty of Early Childhood Education - University of Sadat City

3 Assistant Professor of Curriculum and Teaching Methods, Department of Music Education, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University

4 Arabic Music Lecturer, Department of Music Education, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University


The song is the origin of Arab music, because our Arab people in all its countries tend to sing more than its inclination for pure music, because of its nature, which was made by historical, literary, and poetic factors unique to it, and the most important thing that distinguishes our Arab music is that it serves society, and works to develop and acquire everyone who is interested in it from musical and cognitive skills; For the integration of art and the individual's environment; The individual has encountered several difficulties, including academic learning difficulties, which describe the challenges faced by children as part of the learning process, although some of them have a mental or physical disability; However, many of them are straight; Although they show difficulty in certain processes related to learning: understanding, thinking, cognition, attention, reading (dyslexia), known scientifically as Dyslixia, writing, spelling, speaking, computational work, or in their respective skills

The research came in two parts as follows:

First: The theoretical framework, which includes: academic learning difficulties.

Second: The applied framework and in it: a presentation of a lyrical educational program that uses an innovative melody in overcoming some of the academic learning difficulties in the subject of the Arabic language.

Research Recommendations:

1. The researcher recommends paying attention to different and new teaching methods and the diversity between them and traditional teaching methods.


Main Subjects