A proposed Musical Activities Program to Raise Awareness of The Risks of Climate Change Among Primary School Students.

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences Faculty of Specific Education, Port Said University


The research aimed to identify the risks of climate change, provide a proposed vision of the program of musical activities to raise awareness of these risks, and reveal the effectiveness of this program in raising awareness of the risks of climate change among primary school students in light of sustainable development. The research sample consisted of (36) students of the third grade primary in Port Said. The results showed the effectiveness of the proposed program of activities in raising awareness of the risks of climate change among primary school students in the light of sustainable development, and research recommended development of music education curricula, programs and musical activities that would raise awareness of adaptation to risks of climate change in light of the Sustainable Development Goals.The research recommended development of music education curricula and music programs and activities, which would raise awareness of adaptation to risks of climate change in light of Sustainable Development Goals and activate the positive role of educational institutions at all levels in paying attention to requirements of sustainable development of learners, especially in the early stages of education, and shed light on phenomenon of climate change through songs and songs. Attention to it and activation of it for school students to enrich them musically and develop their awareness and proposed work and evaluation studies to know extent to which education for sustainable development is used in schools of different stages, universities, evaluation of the level of awareness of climate change for teachers of music education


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