Contemporary Methods and Techniques to Teach Music In practicum

Document Type : Original Article


College of Basic Education (Department of Music Education), Public Authority for Applied Education and Training, Kuwait


The teacher of music education needs to identify constantly the contemporary methods and techniques to fulfill his entrusted role completely which is teaching music in It is an overall process that develops the teacher who became entrusted with new and many roles to cope with the contemporary changes, so as the teacher is the backbone of the educational process and entrusted with many functional tasks in his work career not only teaching but also the preparation of generations which consider the future of countries and the pillar of its progress and development. The research aimed to identify contemporary methods and techniques to teach music in practicum, and both researchers followed up on the analytical-descriptive approach. The objective limitation of the research is represented in reviewing the subjects of methods and techniques of teaching music, practicum, and previous studies related directly or indirectly to the subject of the research. The research found the importance of the development of teaching methods and techniques in music education to cope with the technological data and benefit from it in the process of development and modernization that covers all sciences and various fields of life. The research recommends seeing the different international and regional experiments that develop the educational and teaching curriculum to make use of these experiences and experiments, and work constantly to update the teaching competencies system required in music education in particular.


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