The Role of The Pianist Accompanying The flute in Performing The Second Movement of Beethoven's Seventh Symphony (Beethoven's Military Plan)

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Music Education- Helwan University


The piano has excelled in performing the accompaniment due to the wide range of its vocal range, and its wide capabilities in enriching and intensifying the melodic texture and the harmonic support of a single instrument or a solo singing voice. Many students may perform the accompaniment depending on what they have learned of technical skills related to performing on the piano without paying attention to the skills necessary to be good accompaniment, and that caused this research to analyze Beethoven’s second movement “Allegretto” from Symphony No. 7, prepared for the piano and the flute, as it contains high technical and expressive skills, in order to develop instructions that benefit the piano accompanist in identifying the performance of the accompaniment arts and directing them well.

The research followed the descriptive analytical method, its theoretical side discussed the different types of accompaniment and its rules, a historical overview of Beethoven's life and an overview of the flute instrument, while the applied side dealt with the structural analysis, the technical and performance difficulties and explained how to perform it correctly and the research concluded by answering the questions, recommendations and references.


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