Attia Sharara's style through the Mansoura Fantasy for the solo Violin

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Music Education - Faculty of Specific Education - Minia University


The research introduction included that music is the language of feelings, and the Violin is the closest instrument to the human voice. Many composers throughout the ages and in various countries took care of her writing, including the famous Egyptian musician Attia Sharara, The researcher chose, the Mansoura’s Fantasy for solo Violin, which contain various technical skills.

Then the research problem, which was determined in the ignorance of some students of the composer’s style with their solos choice, With a focus on works that do not contain many performance techniques, the researcher analyzed Mansoura's Fantasy to identify Attia Sharara's style through it, then the purpose, importance of the research, which helps students to identify such works and understand the composer’s style, the research question, its procedures, limits and terminology, previous studies, the theoretical framework that included, the life and works of Attia Sharara, Fantasy and Mansoura's Fantasy and the analytical framework for the explanation and analysis of Mansoura's Fantasy, the results, the recommendations, references, and Arabic / English research summaries.


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