Youth exposure to social networking sites and its relationship to their cultural awareness: a field study

Document Type : Original Article


elminia university،faculty of specific education ،educational media


The aim of the study was to identify the young people's ‎exposure to social networking sites and its relationship with ‎their cultural awareness, and the researcher used the ‎descriptive method to measure the effect of the independent ‎variable "social networking sites" on the dependent variable ‎‎"cultural awareness", and applied the study tools to a sample ‎of 200 young people from Al-Mania College Qualitative ‎education, and the results of the study were is a positive direct ‎correlation represented by (the conclusion), and the study ‎concluded: there is a statistically significant dire Statistically ‎significant at the 0.001 level between the degree of exposure of ‎young people to social networking sites and its relationship ‎with increasing their cultural awareness. ct correlation between ‎the youth's exposure to Facebook and YouTube and their ‎increased cultural awareness. There is a statistically significant ‎direct correlation between the youth's exposure to the Twitter ‎site and their increased cultural awareness.‎


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