The Development of Clothing for New - Born Children Entitled to Rest and Functional and Aesthetic Aspects

Document Type : Original Article


Tanta University


Search Summary:
The aim of the research is to provide design solutions for the clothing of new-born children from the age of one day to two weeks for both boys and girls, We are concerned with the problem of the navel of the child which requires continuous medical attention by the mother , but not the continuous removal of children's clothing which results in the discomfort of both child and the mother ,We also provide contemporary trends where the variety of clothing at this stage especially from the age of one day to two week meets the functional and aesthetic requirements.
Thus (15) were commissioned to design the clothes for newborns from one day to two weeks of age, differentiated between ( boys and girls-summer and winter ) , and the form was prepared evaluating the proposed design in the light of three areas (Design Elements and Basics, Functional aspect of design , Innovative and Aesthetic aspect of design) , We have prepared an evaluating paper to measure mothers opinions of the designs .
The study has been concluded to:
- The best proposed design for the clothing of newborns from the age of one day to two weeks is design (1, 2, 14) with a quality factor (98.57 %).
-Design No. (1,2) have also achieved the highest quality factors (98.89%) according to mothers opinions, followed by design No, (14) of quality factor ( 98.67%)

.. Key Words: (Design – Children's Clothes -Functional Aspects- Aesthetic Aspects)


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