Curriculum-inspired improvisations on the Nay

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Music Education, Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University, Egypt


The Ney is the instrument that many leaders of Arab music groups rely on in performing the “Solo.” In addition, it is an instrument that accompanies the singer while singing. In many works, the flute player cannot be dispensed with in orchestras because of its great importance and the influential role it plays in the work alongside other instruments.
We find that students of the flute instrument at the Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University are studying instrumental performance, singing and project decisions, and during teaching, they are required to make innovative melodic divisions and sentences inspired by artistic work. Therefore, the researcher believes that it is possible to derive divisions through the curriculum that helps to develop students' performance to perform divisions of all kinds. he researcher's recommendations were, first, to teach the Nay divisions within the school curricula, and secondly, to derive divisions from the studied curricula for the rest of the Arabic musical instruments.


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