The role of the left hand thumb when shifting between different positions on the Violin

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Music Education - Faculty of Specific Education - Minia University


The introduction included the importance of recognizing the role of the right and left hand when learning the violin and training on performance techniques and shifting.

Then the researcher presented the research problem, which was determined that the left hand thumb didn't receive sufficient attention despite its basic and effective role, The researcher explained that role, especially when shifting, then he determined the purpose, importance of the research, which helps to master playing and improve performance, the research question, its procedures, limits and terminology, then previous studies, the theoretical framework that included how to carry the violin and the position of the left arm and thumb when shifting, and the analytical framework to explain and analyze the role and movements of the thumb through some Major scales from the easiest to the most difficult " D 2 Octaves, B Flat 3 Oct., C 3 Oct. 2nd position, G 4 Oct. ", the results, recommendations, references, and Arabic / English research summaries.


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