Criteria for designing e-learning environment based to assessment style (Peer - Self)

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of specific education, Minia University


The use of e-learning environments is of great importance; As the importance of their use increased in the current period when the Corona epidemic appeared and the Ministry of Education was forced to close schools for a long time, e-learning environments were the fastest and only alternative to continuing study processes and reaching the desired educational goals, which prevented the emergence of the epidemic without achieving them. Edmodo is one of the most important and popular educational platforms, and the calendar is one of the tools that are used in e-learning environments; Therefore, the researcher was interested in shedding light on two types of assessment patterns (peers - self) when designing an e-learning environment, where assessment is one of the most important factors in the educational process in general and education technology in particular. System elements such as (general context - inputs - processes - final product - validity report). The evaluation is linked to the analysis of learners' performance in order to answer questions related to the adequacy of tasks, as well as assessing needs, as through performance analysis, goals are set to meet those needs.
Therefore, the current study focused on shedding light on some criteria for designing mobile learning environments, including criteria for the technical and technological field, educational criteria, technical criteria, and criteria for evaluation methods.
Keywords: e-learning environments, self-assessment, peer assessment


Main Subjects