The participation of secondary school students in the interactive school radio on the social networking site Facebook and its relationship to supporting and developing their emotional and social trends. " Empirical Study "


Minya Educational Administration


The study aimed to identify the extent to which secondary school students participate in the interactive school radio on the social networking site Facebook and its relationship to supporting and developing their emotional and social attitudes. male and female, and the study reached a set of results, the most important of which are:
• The extent of participation in the interactive school radio was permanent (92.500%), while the percentage of subscribers came sometimes (05.00%), while the percentage of subscribers came rarely (02.50%).
• The duration of the radio subscription was less than a year (25%), while the radio subscription period was more than one year and less than three years (55%), while the radio subscription period was three years or more (20%).
• It came in the first place in terms of the motives for participating in the interactive school radio (team work and team leadership), while it came in the last order (the love of appearance and control).
• It came in first place in terms of preferred topics to participate in through the interactive school radio. ( social ), while it came in the last order (economic).
• That by participating in the interactive school radio, the degree of support and development of emotional skills reached more than )80% ( in a total of )70% (of the sample members.
• That by participating in the interactive school radio, the degree of support and development of social skills reached more than )80%( in the sample members


Main Subjects