Analytical study of playing some of the prelude compositions for the twenty-four prelude volume by Salim Balmgren

Document Type : Original Article


music department


Music is one of the finest and most sublime arts. It is the measure of people’s advancement and progress. It is considered the language of the world. It is the woman that reflects the different civilizations of all peoples, and it is the emotional cognitive system that is characterized by the beauty of vocal audio, whether it is lyrical or mechanical. Perhaps this is what spreads the saying that music is the language of conscience and emotion. .
Selim palmagern was born in the Hungarian city of Pori on February 16, 1878 AD, and is considered one of the pioneers of the second generation of Finnish composers. . Which prepared him to become a proficient musician
In view of the importance of Prelude compositions because of the difficulties they contain and playing techniques that help the student to develop his performance skills on the piano. Hence, the idea of ​​research stemmed from the use of some of the compositions of the twenty-four Prelude volume by Salim Balmgren to develop the students’ performance skills on the piano through theoretical and playing analysis of these compositions.


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