Recycling the Wastes of Applied Projects of Clothing into Contemporary Eco-friendly Products as Models for Youth Entrepreneurial Projects

Document Type : Original Article


education faculty,helwan university


Recently, the world’s concerns are directed to environmental issues and their preservation, through operation and recycling of exhaust and benefiting from them in the so-called recycling process. In view of the clothing industry, despite the technological progress, that has befallen it, but it is accompanied by large quantities of emissions resulting from the various stages of manufacturing, which cause environmental, economic problems. Therefore, the aim of the current research is to study the possibility of recycling the wastes of applied projects for clothing was studied to implement some contemporary Eco- friendly products, and then evaluated the idea of implementing a pilot project based on the implementation of the products implemented in the research. To achieve the aim of the research, (12) different models of contemporary products were implemented, and using the descriptive analytical approach, (3) questionnaires were prepared to evaluate the implemented products, and they were presented to a sample of (15) specialists, (25) of the target group, (10) of the shops owners. after processing the results , it was found that the implemented products were successful and accepted , and that they obtained high levels of general acceptance (total quality coefficient) whose percentage ranged between (89.8 : 100%) , which indicates the achievement of the research aim and the existence of general acceptance for idea of a project A pioneer based on the implementation of eco-friendly products from the wastes of applied projects for clothes.
Keywords: Recycling - Applied Projects of Clothing - Eco-Friendly Products - Entrepreneurial Projects.


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