The effect of using (Adobe Flash CS) on the aesthetics of interactive motion in 2D animation

Document Type : Original Article


Ministry of Education-State of Kuwait


Flash is a two-dimensional program (Flash CS) Also known as frame-by-frame panning (frame-by-frame animation). One of the most influential programs that made animations that produced today differ in terms of production methods and tools from animation in the past. Where templates, ready-made tools, and a programming language are available that enable him to design and produce a full-fledged animated movie within the program. The aesthetics of the animation of the flash appear, as it has a variety of different and distinct motion paths for photos and graphics. It is considered of the basis come which Flash simulates changes in perspective, camera angle, and camera distance from the focal point of the scene, The final output will be a flash movie Organizer with animated shapes on the timeline(Timeline), through the group of layers(Layers)Each layer has frames ((Frames For movement according to the type of layer and movement required, and we can also make a lot of kinetic effects for in-between movements (Motion Tweening)To smooth the in-between movement Between all two main frames Whether it is an inter-track movement or a traditional one (Classic Tween To change the location of the object, The flash also features a movement Interchange for shape (Shape Tween) which is a shift movement The transformation of a particular form into another form gradually, differing in its structure through overlap, and it is called(Morphing)


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