Coverage of Electronic Journalism for Work Market Issues"an analytical study"

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of specific education minia University

2 minia university, faculty of specific education


The study aimed to monitor the Egyptian online journalism treatment of work market issues, and the study relied on a content analysis tool to analyze and monitor labor market issues in the Egyptian electronic newspapers, the study sample, which was represented in (youm 7 Electronic Portal, Al-Ahram Electronic Portal), and the study relied on the descriptive survey approach, The most important results were: The youm7 electronic newspaper outperformed Al-Ahram electronic newspaper in its handling of work market issues, the press release ranked first for both newspapers in the study sample, and the issue of illegal immigration ranked first in the seventh day newspaper with a rate of (25.87%), while it occupied the first place in the newspaper. Unemployment ranked first in Al-Ahram electronic newspaper, with a rate of (31.92%). The study also resulted in the absence of statistically significant differences between the newspapers of the seventh day and Al-Ahram electronic in the journalistic arts used, in addition to the absence of statistically significant differences between the newspapers of the seventh day and Al-Ahram electronic in their handling of labor market issues, due to the convergence of the editorial policy of both newspapers


Main Subjects