Making use of Martha Mier modern jazz techniques to improve the performance of piansits

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education, Menoufia University


Jazz compositions in a book 1 (Jazz, Rags & Blues)
Martha Mier and her piano performance techniques

“Jazz” is the real American addition, and it is first and foremost African Negro music, a unique social phenomenon, it was like electric shocks, The negroes breathed it into the lives of the white masses, generating successive explosions that left their profound effects not only on the musical scene but also on the social scene. This music was a spontaneous expression of the persecuted slaves from Africa, It gradually transformed until it became, since the beginning of the twentieth century, a symbol for all of America, and the great composers were interested in the distinct elements of jazz music, And it had a clear impact on some of their works, and many researchers also recommended paying attention to the compositions of piano music in the twentieth century, especially jazz music, and continuing the search to know contemporary music composers and providing musical notes and records for them, Therefore, the researcher saw the need to study and analyze modern jazz compositions and take advantage of the performance techniques in them. Hence, the researcher chose the compositions of jazz music by Martha Mier entitled Book 1 (Jazz, Rags & Blues) to contain many diverse playing techniques.


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