Study the Possibility of Benefiting From the Effect of Some Woven Design Variables in The Service of Small Industries in Order to Build a Decent Life.

Document Type : Original Article


Home Economics Department, specific Education, Tanta University, Egypt


- The research aims to provide a new artistic vision for the design of home furniture Using hand weaving art as an innovative entry point for its design by studying the possibility of benefiting from some of the variables of textile design (woven structure- colors weave-thickness ) In the execution of home furniture (Small decor chair, The research used the following variables:
*Woven structure : (Plain weave- Rib weave - Twill weave).
*Thickness: ( Uniform thickness from both directions - Different thickness from one direction- Different thickening in both directions).
*Color order) :Color unification from both directions-Use the color order in one direction -Use color order from both directions(.
-The researcher presented the implemented products " 27 products" on a group of faculty members specializing in different universities to try to reach the best products under study and according to the terms and axes of the evaluation form that were designed by the researcher.
The research found the preference for product number (21) which was implemented using a twill weave structure, with a uniform thickness in both directions and a different color arrangement in both directions, where it got an quality assessment (96.8%), while product (8 )which was implemented using Plain weave structure 1/1 with the effect of thickness from both directions and in a different color arrangement from one direction achieved the lowest quality assessment among the products implemented under research ،achieved (70.5%) in total quality assessment .


Main Subjects