Techniques of writing and craftsmanship in monodrama performances- (Study of models from school theater)

Document Type : Original Article


specific eduation faculty- menofia university


The aim of the current research is to identify the correct writing techniques and the rules of directing monodrama performances that are presented to the school theater. The research was applied to a sample of the monodrama performances that were presented to the school theater, which is (monodrama “The Conscience of a Woman” written and directed by / Magdy Maree 2009 AD - monodrama “Fel Yavel” written by / Magdy Marei and directed by / Amal Abdel Moati 2015 AD – monodrama “Dream and no science written by / Magdy Marei and directed by Raja Mahmoud 2021 AD - the monodrama “The Gift” written by / Magdy Marei - the monodrama “Sam’a Hess” written by / Magdy Marei. The study reached a set of results, the most important of which are:-
• Most of the issues that were dealt with in monodrama performances, the study sample (social issues) deals with the problems of society, as in the monodrama (a dream and no science) and the monodrama (the conscience of a woman), and the ideas that were presented varied, such as quitting smoking in the monodrama "Dream and no science" against customary marriage In the monodrama "A Woman's Conscience", the problem of street children was raised, as in the "Sama Hess" monodrama. It also presented many positive values and behaviors that the child must possess, such as the value of honesty in the monodrama (the gift) and adhering to good morals despite poverty, as in the monodrama (Fel Yavel).


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