Using Differentiated Instruction to Overcome Difficulties in Playing Piano Through Shostakovich's Children Notebook

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education - Menofia University


Using Differentiated Instruction to Overcome Difficulties in Playing Piano Through Shostakovich's Children Notebook
Differentiated teaching strategies have emerged to keep pace with the challenges and difficulties in the field of education, as they are concerned with the rights of learners in accordance with their inclinations and willingness to learn and to identify teaching methods that have the best impact on proper performance. Differentiated teaching is not limited to one strategy, but its strategies vary, which contributes to increasing educational opportunities and achieving equal opportunities, while keeping pace with recent scientific developments in overcoming performance difficulties in playing the piano, especially since this strategy is based on taking into account the individual differences of students and improving their performance.
After addressing the previous studies, the researcher addressed in the theoretical framework the definition of differentiated teaching and its foundations, then a brief about Dmitriy Shostakovich and a word about his music and his works for piano instrument, then a definition of opus 69: Children Notebook (research sample).
In the practical framework: the researcher presented an analytical study of the musical compositions: 1. March 4. Merry Tale 6. The Clockwork Doll, from Shostakovich's Children Notebook. In this context, the researcher identified the technical difficulties contained in the mentioned pieces, along with developing musical instructions and exercises to overcome them. The researcher has drawn some results, which are represented in the following elements (melody - rhythm - formula - ornaments - performance style)
The research concluded with results, recommendations, Arabic and foreign references.


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