Computational Mechanics of Fabric Tailor ability Part I: Build Infrastructure

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Family Science Taibah University, Saudi Arabia

2 Faculty of Engineering - Mansoura University


Sewing operation is the heart of the garment factory, so researchers work hard to monitor the performance of sewing elements (thread-fabric-machine) in order to obtain garments without problems or what is known as tailor ability. This investigation consists of three parts. The first part is dealing with the infrastructure and sewing machine sew ability index, while the second concentrated on the influence of plasma treatment ,on overall fabric tailor ability index. Last part is the relation between specific sewing stress and sewing degradation.

study gives a test method and/or mathematical procedure for calculating overall fabric tailor ability index (OTI), as a function of fabric process ability (FP) ,fabric saw ability (FSa) ,fabric sew ability (FSe) and fabric form ability (FF). To test the relationship between specific sewing stress (SSS-cN/tex) measured by modified fabric sew ability tester (ST2), and fabric tailor ability index, measured by fabric assurance by simple testing (FAST), coefficient of concordance ,"W", has been calculated. It was found that "W" value reaches 0.702, i.e., good agreement. That result was expected, cause, "SSS”, is measured the fabric sew ability phenomena only, while "FAST" measured fabric tailor ability phenomena, which sew ability is a part of it.


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