" New plastic formulations for some symbols of Egyptian folk art and their use to enrich the field of handicrafts "

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education - Menoufia University


Folk art is the result of the simple, innate, life culture that man lived in a society with its controls and cultural standards and concerned with vocabulary that defines the form and essence of its own language, and its field, especially in the context of visual perception and the arts of formal visuals. Folk art is the sum of lines, signs, color relations, shapes and symbols. Which has a psychological significance and which can be read easily as a result of cultural coexistence and familiarity with those symbols and forms in which raw materials were used in a simplified manner.
The vocabulary of this simple, spontaneous and innate art is related to lines, colors, units, relationships, systems, contents, formations, artistic transformations, language, symbols and behaviors. These vocabulary are formulated through various aesthetic formation vessels such as walls, veils, amulets, rituals, tattoos, incantations and rituals, which can be employed and formulated as various plastic solutions .
The researcher dealt with some symbols of Egyptian folk art to show many of the innovative plastic formulations through experimentation attempts based on the inspiration of this distinguished art to find its components and to show the spirit of the folk heritage in the work of a group of new artifacts that carry in their forms multiple methods Inspired by the symbols of Egyptian folk art and its components with a contemporary innovative vision, which was characterized in the end by reaching different philosophical dimensions and a distinguished educational output.


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