to benefit from Theodore Kirchner's Short Pieces Folder to Improve Student Performance on the Piano

Document Type : Original Article


South Valley University/Faculty of Specific Education


The musical compositions of the piano instrument are considered one of the main and important pillars upon which the skill level of the student is built, as it largely determines the playing skills that he has reached that enables him to perform well. This is because it contains educational objectives and technical skills that are characterized by ease of rhythm and attractive melody until the student reaches the required technical level. Examples of these works are the works of short pieces "miniatures" by the German author Kirchner, as they are considered an addition to the academic courses. Therefore, the researcher saw the need to study and analyze it so that it can be used to improve the student's performance on the piano This study aimed to make a survey study of the volume of short pieces of Kirchner's categorized 62 and categorized them into three levels, taking advantage of the playing techniques of the compositions of short pieces "miniatures", their development, and the characteristics of Kirchner's playing style, Identifying playing difficulties, and suggesting solutions with exercises and playing instructions to overcome these difficulties The importance of the research also included identifying new pieces that would enrich and diversify the school curricula and finding a scientific study that could be referred to in the event of a desire to play his composition of short pieces “miniatures” by Kirchner. The current research followed the descriptive approach (content analysis) and concluded the research with the research results and recommendation


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