The level of services provided to orphaned children residing in residential institutions and its relationship to their behavioral problems

Document Type : Original Article


Home and Institution Management Department - Faculty of Home Economics - Menoufia University


The research aims mainly to identify the nature of the relationship between the level of services provided to orphaned children residing in residential institutions and their behavioral problems, by achieving the following sub-objectives: - Studying the level of services provided to orphaned children residing in residential institutions with its dimensions (food care - health care - social and psychological care - Cultural and religious care (research sample, identifying behavioral problems in their dimensions (behavioral disorder - thinking disorder - emotional withdrawal - communication and speech disorder) among orphaned children residing in residential institutions . Evaluation of the relationship between some variables of the economic and social level and each of the services provided to orphaned children residing in residential institutions with their dimensions and behavioral problems with their dimensions, revealing the nature of the differences between children residing in residential institutions, the research sample in each of the services provided with its dimensions and behavioral problems with its dimensions according to gender, determining the nature of the differences Among the children residing in residential institutions, the research sample in each of the services provided in its dimensions and the behavioral problems they have in its dimensions depending on the location of the institution


Main Subjects