The theater and its role in raising the child's awareness of healthy food through the theory of the six thinking hats


Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Early Childhood Education, University of Alexandria, Egypt


Summary of the research
Food has a prominent effect on the processes of cognitive development and the extent of the cognitive ability to interact with the vocabulary of the environment, as well as the two types of assimilation towards various stimuli. Children need to grow properly in order to be strong, which can only be achieved by obtaining an adequate amount of healthy food. Children’s eating of healthy food with integrated elements and the safety of the body from malnutrition diseases, which is reflected in the areas of life, especially scientific and social, “Proper nutrition for the child gives him activity, strength, ability to pay attention and focus for long times, interest in work and positive participation, unlike improper nutrition that causes fatigue. General weakness, inability to pay attention, irritability, and lethargy confirms the need for children to acquire correct eating habits from a young age because of their role in shaping the personality of the child with his peers, but it is difficult to convince the child of the need to eat healthy food in front of excessive commercial advertisements and fast food in which types of flavors are placed in a way that may cause addiction to eat them.


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