he art of the aragos between fun and persuasion in the children's theater - An Empirical Study-

Document Type : Original Article


College of education early childhood Damanhour university


The study dealt with the employment of the art of the aragoose in the children’s theater, by enabling future teachers to raise the child in the manufacture and formation of the argos bride, while providing them with techniques of animation, the skill of vocal recruitment and the state of spectacle, and refining them in the academic aspect in an educational framework that combines authenticity and contemporary to present presentations that benefit the child, and achieve cognitive and behavioral goals And educational in environments of different features through ideas that fit and the behavioral repercussions of those environments on the target group, during a modern popular show, whose hero is Al-Aragoz, to achieve fun and persuasion in what suits the contemporary child.The study ended with:
- Despite the difference, origin and concept of the art of Al-Aragoz, it has been mixed in the conscience of the Egyptian people since ancient times, and the unofficial media was for the condition of the simple citizen during his engagement with his issues and ambitions, and despite the decline of this art due to the spread of the media and the difference in public taste, and only some contemporary teams worked to revive and modernize it Refining it and presenting educational presentations that benefit the child and the family, opening the way for the transfer of the expertise of this art to successive generations through training workshops, benefiting from the few traditional Aragoz players and their experiences, and refining them in the academic aspect, .


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