Raising the level of knowledge and skill achievement of female students using strategies (QR code & Robin Round). "Children's Clothing"

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education - Fayoum University


Many educators stressed the importance of using different strategies of teaching to facilitate the teaching and learning processes, as traditional teaching methods focus on the teacher as a source of information and educational material in teaching. Therefore, the research aims to use non-traditional teaching strategies in teaching the children’s clothing course, which is one of the basic courses in the specialization of clothing and textiles. The researcher saw the need to change the traditional teaching strategy used in his teaching and to search for alternative ways and means to raise the level of achievement and skills in an effective manner, which prompted the researcher to study new and unconventional teaching strategies that work to raise the levels of knowledge and skills and achieve learning outcomes.
Therefore, the research aimed to raise the level of knowledge and skill achievement (for fourth-level students majoring in fashion design) Department of Home Economics and Textile Technology, Faculty of Science and Arts in Al-Mandaq, Al-Baha University, in the children’s clothing course, by combining the two strategies (QR code & Robin Round) as new teaching strategies that were not used in teaching the course from Before and study the effect of using them on the cognitive and skill level, comparing the results with the traditional teaching method.


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