A Suggested Program Uses Analytical Study and Flashcards to Develop The Performance Skills of The Pino Learners Through Ernesto Lecuona’s Compositions.

Document Type : Original Article


Music Education Department, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University


Development of the piano performance skills is one of the most important tasks for which the teacher is highly responsible because his instructions direct the learner’s attention to the important aspects of the musical compositions and highlight the common mistakes that the learner may encounter during the performance. Therefore, diversify of the educational process strategies is necessary to take into account the individual differences among learners. One of these strategies is the educational flashcards and the analytical study used to develop the performance skills of the piano students through one of the Cuban musician Ernesto Lecuona’s compositions.
This research includes the introduction, the problem, the objectives, the importance, the questions, the tools and procedures, the previous studies, and the theoretical framework. The theoretical framework includes an overview of the used strategy, and the life of Ernesto Licuona, his style, and his most famous works. In addition, there is also the applied framework which contains the theoretical and instrumental analysis of Ernesto Lecuona’s Waltz Rococo.
The research concludes with the results, suggested recommendations, used references, and an English and Arabic summary of the research.
Keywords: Waltz Rococo - Ernesto Licuona - piano compositions of the twentieth century - Cuban music - Analytical study - flashcards.


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