“A Suggested Program to improve the performance of the student in the Expressive Plastic Moving through some of Franz Schubert’s piano compositions”


1 Minia University

2 minia university



“A Suggested Program to improve the performance of the student in the Expressive Plastic Moving through some of Franz Schubert’s piano compositions”
Expressive movement is the art of moving the body in a rhythmic way, but it is not the art of dancing as some believe, but it is more general and comprehensive than that, because the expression movement is used and useful in delivering information that we want to be the clearest possible. These are the movements that we resort to, in order to reinforce or extend our words in the image or to replace them, so they should be clear, clear and unambiguous.
The study includes four chapters as follows:
Chapter I: Submission of previous research and studies, and it is divided into two sections:
The First Topic: Submission of previous.
The Second Topic: Studies, Arab research, and foreign research related to the research topic.
Chapter II: Theoretical framework, It is divided into:
First: Program - Teaching Methods.
Second: Movement -Rhythm.
Third: Eurhythmic-Moving Plastic.
Fourthly: Romantic- Franz Schubert.
Fifth: Student of the Faculty of Specific Education.

Chapter III: Application framework, which includes:
Experimental study A Suggested Program to improve the performance of the student in the Expressive Plastic Moving through some of Franz Schubert’s piano compositions.

The Fourth chapter: Research Results and interpretation:
This chapter includes the research findings, recommendations, references list, research appendices, and the abstract, abstract in both Arabic and foreign languages.


Main Subjects