Study the Effect of DOUM-PALM and FENNEL as ANTI-HYPERLIPIDEMIC AGENTS in Experimental RATS


1 Faculity of home economic_nutrition and food scince department_Al_Azhar University_Tanta

2 Faculity of home economics nutrition and food scince department Al_Azhar University _ Tanta


Several epidemiological and trail clinical studies have reported that
dyslipidemia is a major contributor to atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), So that; the present study carried out to investigate the effect of Doum-palm and Fennel as anti-hyperlipidemic agents in experimental rats. Thirty six male albino rats weighing 130 ± 20 g used in this study and divided into two main groups, the first main group ( 6 rats ) kept as a negative control group (v -) received basal diet throughout the experiment period ( seven weeks ), while the second main group (30 rats) fed on high fat diet for three weeks to induce hyperlipidemia .After this period blood samples were obtained to ensure occurrence of hyperlipidemia. After that the rats in second main group (30) divided into five subgroups ,the first was the (v +) control group, the second and third given basal diet supplemented with doum-palm (5%) ,( 10 %) , respectively . the four and five given basal diet supplemented with fennel (5 %), (10%) , respectively for four weeks. The chemical composition for both plants was done. At the end of the experiment, biological data were calculated; blood samples were taken to biochemical analysis. In addition, histopathological examination for liver was done


Main Subjects