The Role of Non - Governmental Organizations in the Empowerment of Nubian Woman and its relation to her Ability of Decisions - Making


1 Home management_home economic. Faculty of specific education aswan university

2 Faculty of Home Economics - Helwan University

3 کلية التربية النوعية جامعة أسوان


The current research aims mainly to reveal the nature of the relationship between The Role of Non - Governmental Organizations in the Empowerment of Nubian Woman with its four axes (Economic Empowerment, Social Empowerment, Health Empowerment, Information Empowerment) and her ability of Decisions - Making in its three dimensions (Education and care of children, family and social relations, economic matters) sample, the research sample, The research tools were prepared, namely (general data form, NGO Case Study Guide, The Role of Non - Governmental Organizations in the Empowerment of Nubian Woman scale, ability of Decisions - Making scale) On a sample consisting of (250) Nubian woman benefiting from NGOs, they were selected in a random and purposive manner from Aswan Governorate from the countryside and urban and from different social and economic levels. The research followed the descriptive and analytical approach and Case guide . It also showed difference in relative weights of the axes of the role of NGOs in empowering Nubian women research sample, as it was found that the economic empowerment axis came in the first place with a percentage of (27%), while the axis of informational empowerment came in the fourth and last place with a percentage of (23.1%). ly).


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