Techniques of performing the first movement of the Violin Concerto No. 2 in the "A" Major scale by Anatoly Sergeyevich Komarovsky

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Music Education - Faculty of Specific Education - Minia University


The research introduction included the importance of musical art and the development of musical instruments, including the role of stringed instruments in the orchestra like violin that requires continuous training and mastery of techniques, which can be identified through the violin works such as the concerto. Analysis of techniques found in the first movement of Komarovsky Violin Concerto No. 2.

Then the researcher presented the research problem that was determined in that there are distinct melodies and performance techniques through that concerto that can be dealt with by analysis, the purpose, importance of the research that helps to perfect the techniques and the students ’demand to study that concerto, the research question, its procedures, limits and terminology, then previous studies, the theoretical framework that included the life and the most important works of Komarovsky, an explanation of the concerto techniques, the analytical framework for identifying and explaining the places of these techniques, the results, the recommendations, references, and Arabic / English research summaries.


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