Ergonomic considerations appropriate to the use of modern household appliances and their impact on the performance efficiency of women (experimental study)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Family and Childhood Institutions Management, Faculty of Home Economics, Helwan University


The research aims to: Identify the ergonomic considerations appropriate to the use of modern household appliances, and their impact on the performance efficiency of women. The experimental research sample consisted of (48) women residing in the urban area of Cairo Governorate from similar social and economic levels, and different in (ergonomic considerations (the physical component). Body weight, hand grip strength, height, forearm length, cognitive component), and the research tools included the general data form for women, the questionnaire of the most stressful electrical household appliances, the ergonomic considerations scale with its dimensions (the physical component, the cognitive component), and the performance efficiency scale for women. The results resulted in a statistically significant correlation between the ergonomic considerations (physical - cognitive) appropriate to the use of modern household appliances and performance efficiency in its dimensions (the ability to perform work - desire to perform work) and the time expended when using modern household appliances for the research sample at the level of Indication 0.001, There are statistically significant differences between the experimental research sample in the level of performance efficiency of women according to the different ergonomic considerations (the physical component) with its dimensions (body weight - height) and the cognitive component when using modern household appliances under study in favor of the average (ideal) weight, average height and women With a high level of cognitive awareness, and statistically significant differences were found in the expended time in the performance of the experimental research sample according to the different ergonomic considerations


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