A suggested program that uses the flipped learning strategy in teaching the lute instrument

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education - Minia University - Arab Republic of Egypt


The world is witnessing an advanced technological revolution, and the university educational system has to keep pace with the new changes that have occurred in education and the emergence of terms expressing reality, which is e-learning, which is the provision of educational curricula through various electronic media with its tools in a synchronous or asynchronous manner, and by adopting self-learning, and there are modern strategies Which depends on the use of modern technologies to activate e-learning, such as the e-learning strategy, blended learning, cognitive journeys, and finally inverted learning, which is one of the strategies that use modern technology to teach lectures outside the classroom, which called the researcher to how to benefit from it in teaching music in general, especially machine teaching. lute for new students, through a proposed program that uses the flipped learning strategy in teaching the lute, and one of the objectives of the study is to identify the concepts and characteristics associated with flipped learning, and on the proposed program. On learning the lute in the distance learning phase BFA Attic, it makes the student active and effective during teaching because of his prior knowledge of the information being taught, and concluded with recommendations the interest in spreading a culture of diversity in the use of modern methods of teaching in order to keep pace with scientific development.


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