A contemporary Applied Vision for Design of Upholstery Fabrics in view of New Trends of weaving, the seventh dimension (7 D)


1 Clothing and Textiles, Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Specific Education, Zagazig University, egypt

2 Faculty of Home Economics al-manoufia University


The research aims to present an applied vision for design and implementation of advanced hollow fabrics by 7D, multiaxial fabric (MA), Oriented towards to new trends of fabric, to analyze structural composition of Hollow knitting Ribbons (HKR), to study effect of different coverage coefficient, color arrangement of structures texture used on properties of product, (11) samples of hand-woven 7D fabrics were implemented using HKR according to variables, then employing fabrics, and providing (11) an applied model for design of bedroom upholstery , conducting tests (thickness, weight, air permeability, water permeability, thermal insulation) on samples, imaging of HKR using SEM, evaluation them, furniture designs suggested by specialists, furniture and decor designers.Reaching the best samples in measured properties are sample (1),(5) for7D fabrics executed with coverage factor of100%, color arrangement (regular, irregular) and quality factor of(95.22, 95.14)% respectively. Sum of opinions of each of specialized arbitrators, furniture, decor designers is design (1), (5) with quality factor of 98.70% and 95.30%.


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