The effectiveness of the WebQuest strategy in improving the level of nutritional and health awareness and acquiring some cybersecurity skills for home economics students during the Corona pandemic


1 Home Economics Department - Faculty of Specific Education - Damietta University - Damietta El-Gadeeda City

2 - College of Education - University of Bisha - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences - Faculty of Specific Education - Damietta University - Egypt


The current study aimed to know the level of nutritional and health awareness, and some cybersecurity skills for students in the Home Economics Department, Faculty of Specific Education, Damietta University during the Corona pandemic. Determine the efficacy of using the WebQuest strategy in developing nutritional and health awareness, and some cybersecurity skills among students during the Corona pandemic. Three hundred female students from the first and second years participated in main study. The scales were prepared to measure the level of the nutritional awareness, health awareness, and awareness of some cybersecurity skills before and after applying the WebQuest strategy to used as data collection tools. The results found that the level of the nutritional and health awareness for protection against the emerging Coronavirus decreased in the pretest, as well as the level of awareness of some cybersecurity skills of the study sample. The results revealed that there are statistically significant differences at (p≤0.01) between the students’ scores average in the pre and post-tests for the nutritional and health awareness in favor of the post-test. There are also statistically significant differences at (p≤0.01) between the students’ scores average the pre and post-tests for some cybersecurity skills in favor of the post-test. These results indicated the effectiveness of the WebQuest strategy. The study stressed the importance of improving the nutritional and health awareness, beside awareness of cybersecurity among university students in the light of Corona pandemic.


Main Subjects