An analytical study of some of Rouhi Al-Khamash's works in chanting and religious invocation

Document Type : Original Article


zagazig university


Religious chanting and invocation is an art of Arab music. It has a reality in the souls, its pleasure is in the heart and the pursuit of getting closer to God. The books of the Islamic heritage confirm that the beginning of religious chanting in the Arab and Islamic world was at the hand of a group of companions, may God be pleased with them, during the era of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. A group of followers and those who sang the Messenger, his qualities, attributes and his favorites
Rouhi Al-Khamash excelled in the twentieth century in crafting Arabic melodies for religious and chant supplications, including (The Prayer of You May Be Home for You), (Invocation of Muhammad Danger Al-Mahamid glorifies) and other prayers, chants and religious tawshh, all of which are distinguished by a distinctive character. From this standpoint, the researcher will shed light on Rawhi Al-Khamash's works in religious invocation and chanting through the analysis of some of his lyrical compositions of this type of singing art in Arabic music


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