A proposed program to develop the system of values necessary to preserve the Egyptian identity for secondary school students


1 Department of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Arabic Language, League of Arab States

2 Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University


The inculcation of values in the hearts of young people is one of the most important factors supporting the enhancement of a sense of belonging to the homeland, and from here it is imperative to include values in educational curricula, with their different dimensions and forms, according to the levels of each educational stage, because the local cultural specificity is directly related to the essence of Arab and Islamic culture, As an essential component of the national identity.
Therefore, concerted efforts must be made to introduce some reforms to the educational system from time to time and to study the role of basic curricula - such as the Arabic language curriculum, as it represents the deanship of the Arab community in which we live - in imparting values to students. And bearing in mind that moral values are those values that represent the frame of reference that directs the choices of an individual or group in certain situations, and these values are derived by the individual from several sources, including his social upbringing, environmental background and religious background. Here, the role of education emerges to highlight the value approach that is intended to provide learners with it, and this does not come only through the curricula that include moral values in a conscious and thoughtful manner based on the current needs of society.


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