The model study of the play "The Princess Awaits" by Salah Abdel-Sabour

Document Type : Original Article


Theater Studies Department, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University


Due to the paucity of Applied Studies in the field of Model criticism, this study is an attempt to apply the theoretical concepts of this trend to one of Salah Abdel Sabour's plays, "the princess is waiting". Salah Abdesabour took the approach of the Italian writer Luigi Pirandello, by employing the theatre technique inside the theatre through the re-representation of the princess and her bridesmaids of the facts and events that have elapsed and associated with the assassination of the king, and the contents of the theatrical text shed light on the Arab political reality in the 1960s. It follows the changes and changes that have occurred through their presence in the theatrical text, as well as the identification of the mythological deposits in this play, and the detection of the semantic dimensions and the content of the theatrical text through the radiation produced by the presence of mythological elements.
application of Model Analysis mechanisms. The dramatic structure of the play was also associated with the basic structure of The Legend of Jason, Medea and the Golden Fleece, where it was possible to observe the manifestations of symmetry and similarity despite the state of the implied manifestation of the mythological structure in the play. the manifestation of the mythological elements in the works of Salah Abdeslbour appeared to be somewhat dim, which means that the malleability that comes as a result of the dramatic treatment of those elements is at its highest degree.


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