Satellite channels websites addressing issues of the egyptian economy An analytical study


جامعه المنيا کليه الاداب قسم الاعلام شعبه الاذاعه والتليفزيون


The main objective of this study was to learn about the impact of the handling of satellite TV websites in dealing with Egyptian economic issues.
In order to understand this goal, the researcher formulated a number of sub-objectives. The main problem with this study is to identify the impact of the treatment of Egyptian economic issues by satellite TV websites.
Because of the multiplicity of these sites and their vital role in dealing with many issues in general and with the Egyptian economy in particular, satellite channels have been keen to have websites and media platforms that benefit from the enormous digital development
The interactive possibilities offered by modern media belong to the descriptive studies that used a survey method to survey the content and identify the interactive possibilities offered by media.
From # to # the investigator used a content analysis tool to collect data related to the study on three satellite channel websites
They are the site of the Nile News Channel, represent the government trend, the site of the ESadalad channel, and the private channels represent the site of the CNBC Arabic channel, and the regional channel, using the method of intentional sampling of seven programs, representing the periodicals of daily and weekly broadcasts.


Main Subjects