Educational Platforms Approach for Achieving the Digital Democracy at the Egyptian Universities

Document Type : Original Article


College of Education - Menoufia University


This research discusses a proposed perspective of the role of Educational Platforms in achieving the Digital Democracy at the Egyptian universities.
This research is divided into three themes:
-The first theme provides the theoretical framework that shows the essence, importance, types, advantages and characteristics of Educational Platforms. Also, this theme highlights the concept, types, importance, characteristics and nature of Digital Democracy at the Egyptian universities.
-The second theme includes the empirical study which consists of two components: the first component measures the obstacles of the role of the Educational Platforms at the Egyptian universities. The second component measures the requirements of achieving Digital Democracy at the Egyptian universities. This study was conducted on a sample of education experts at Faculties of Education. This research found that the Educational Platforms are worthy of application to achieve Digital Democracy through providing the support and attention. Then, upgrading the level of the quality and educational services.
-The third theme addresses a proposed perspective of the role of Educational Platforms in achieving the Digital Democracy at the Egyptian universities.


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