Family problems in corona pandemic and its relationship with family communication as Housewife acquire

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of Home Economics - Al Azhar university


This research aims to study the relationship btween family issus and family communication for women heads of household in the sllight of Covid - 19 pandmic, and it also aims to study the differences between women heads of household depending on the place of living, age, the duration of the marriage, and the conomic and social levels.
the study also aims to pridection of family issus through the family communication the study sample included 400 women heads of household form different social and economic levels , working and non-working , and have childeren in different ages.
they were choosen randomly. the study tools have been appiled using different social meadia in period of 19– 5– 2020 to 5– 6– 2020.
the result of the study was :
1. there is anegative relation with a statistical significance between family issues and family comunication for women heads of houshdd as astudy sample in the light of Covid – 19 pandmic .
2. the ability to predict family issues through dimensions of family communication.
Study recommended :
Proriding mentoring programs in various media help the fimily to cope with family issues they face in the light of Covid – 19 pandmic. it also help to establish positive communication in the difficult period the country is going through, throgh graduates of the department of (Manging family and child hood institutions).


Main Subjects